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名称: 万能数据库查询分析器《DB 查询分析器》个人版 7.024

  《DB 查询分析器》个人版 拥有强大的功能、友好的操作界面、良好的操作性、跨越数据库平台。


   《DB 查询分析器》在中关村在线 下载量超过 12 万次,经常位居整个数据库类排行榜中前10位。 《程序员》2007年第2期“新产品&工具点评”栏目特别推荐 “万能数据库查询分析器的发布”。

  目前最新版本为 7.024,适用于任何Windows操作系统,包括Win8 和 Windows 10。




4、强大的SQL执行计划连接自动恢复 功能,即使数据库服务器宕过机,SQL执行计划也会被执行;


  软件语言:   简体中文                   运行环境:Windows系列平台
名称: DB Query Analyzer Personal version 7.024

   DB Query Analyzer Personal version is an excellent Universal Data Access (UDA) tool in the world for its’ powerful function, friendly interface, easy operation and applicability to every production of RDBMS and txt/csv/excel files.

   It lets you query ODBC data sources, author SQL scripts and queries, return query results to a grid or free-form text or a file, retrieve ODBC driver information, execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously, and more.

   Now DB Query Analyzer is the top 10 database application software in the famous software website http://xiazai.zol.com.cn/download_order/sub_550.html .It has been download more than 120,000 times .

  The latest version is 7.024, It can be used in any Windows OS,including Win8 an Windows 10.

1. Several bugs about SQL execute schedule and saving SQL execute result to file function are resolved. So I strongly recommend users update DB Query Analyzer to the latest 7.022 version.

2. Users can set up SQL scripts executing schedule and users can save result to file with date mark as yyyymmdd.

3. Users can choose or define the separator char among fields and the line end char when saving the result to a file.

4. Option ‘SQL Schedule Reconnect’ can make the schedule SQL scripts be executed even though the Database Server had been down.

5. Users can manage the transaction easily.

  软件语言:   English                   运行环境:Windows
名称: 万能数据库查询分析器《DB 查询分析器》企业版 7.024

  《DB 查询分析器》企业版 拥有强大的功能、友好的操作界面、良好的操作性、跨越数据库平台。


   《DB 查询分析器》在中关村在线 下载量超过 12 万次,经常位居整个数据库类排行榜中前10位。 《程序员》2007年第2期“新产品&工具点评”栏目特别推荐 “万能数据库查询分析器的发布”。

  目前最新版本为 7.024,适用于任何Windows操作系统,包括Win8 和 Windows 10。





5、强大的SQL执行计划连接自动恢复 功能,即使数据库服务器宕过机,SQL执行计划也会被执行;


  软件语言:   简体中文                   运行环境:Windows系列平台
名称: DB Query Analyzer Enterprise version 7.024

   DB Query Analyzer Enterprise version is an excellent Universal Data Access (UDA) tool in the world for its’ powerful function, friendly interface, easy operation and applicability to every production of RDBMS and txt/csv/excel files.

   It lets you query ODBC data sources, author SQL scripts and queries, return query results to a grid or free-form text or a file, retrieve ODBC driver information, execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously, and more.

   Now DB Query Analyzer is the top 10 database application software in the famous software website http://xiazai.zol.com.cn/download_order/sub_550.html .It has been download more than 120,000 times .

  The latest version is 7.024, It can be used in any Windows OS,including Win8 an Windows 10.

1. Several bugs about SQL execute schedule and saving SQL execute results to multi files function are resolved. So I strongly recommend users update DB Query Analyzer to the latest 7.024 version.

2. Users can set up weekly or monthly SQL scripts executing schedule and users can save results to different files with date mark as yyyymmdd according to results returned by the multi SQL scripts schedule executed.

3. Users can choose or define the separator char among fields and the line end char when saving the result to a file.

4. Users can save to different files according to results returned by the multi SQL scripts executed.

5. Option ‘SQL Schedule Reconnect’ can make the schedule SQL scripts be executed even though the Database Server had been down.

6. Users can manage the transaction easily.

  软件语言:   English                   运行环境:Windows
名称: 彻底删除文件 4.02

  “彻底删除文件” 专门用来将自己电脑上不用的机密文件彻底删除,不会被文件删除恢复工具所恢复。


  软件语言:   简体中文                   运行环境:Windows
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